External Therapist in Intensive Programme at Upledger Clinic

quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2008

External Therapist in Intensive Programme at Upledger Clinic

Osteopathic physician John E. Upledger, who pioneered a method of Care called CarnioSacral Therapy (CST) back in the 70’s and was recently featured in TIME magazine as one of world’s next wave of innovators, founded the Upledger Institute HealPlex Clinical Services, in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA, in 1985.

After finishing the Advanced CranioSacral Therapy course, Dora Franco, B.Sc., D.O., BI-D, ( www.terapia-sacrocraniana.blogspot.com ) have the possibility to enhance their CST skills and experience multiple-therapists treatment sessions at the Upledger Institute, where they work side by side with the Institute's staff and other experienced therapists.

I had the great opportunity to work regularly in Intensive Programmes of one to two-weeks multiple hands-on sessions at the Upledger Institute HealPlex Clinic together with the best CST practitioners in the world and directly with Dr. John E. Upledger.

The CST, one of the most innovative healthcare therapies currently available in the world, addresses the restrictions in the craniosacral system (the membranes and fluids that protect the brain and spinal cord) with impact on the nervous system. An imbalance or obstruction can indeed cause a number of sensory, motor or neurological disabilities.

Considering its nature, the CST is increasingly used as a preventive healthcare for its ability to bolster resistance to disease. It is effective on a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction (pls. see articles in the home page), including, inter alia, migraines, neck and back pain, TMJ dysfunction, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, ADD/ADHD, central nervous system disorders and many others. And because it is so gentle, it has been proven to be very effective for all ages, from newborns to elders.

Patients are coming from all over the world for treatment in the United States. My regular practices as External Therapist in Intensive multiple hands Programmes strongly enhanced my ability to help people by using this remarkable therapy.

B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science in Medicine
D.O. – Doctor in Osteopathy
BI-D – Barral Institute Diplomate Certification